
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

O.K. I know it's painful to look up a blog over and over and not see any movement but just in case there is someone that stumbles upon this poor wreck of a blog, here goes.

Gab and I have a new son and we love him and are going to keep him! His name is Indiana Gibson Thiessen, He weighed in at 9lbs. 14 oz. and was 22 and 1/4 inches long. Gabrielle did NOT have a c-section, even though with that weight and Gab's body type you might have thought she would need one. I think he's going to like working on cars and playing lego but it's a bit of a stretch to actually try to pull that kind of info out of him at this time. if ya'll want to see pictures of him you can wait till I post some or check out Karen's blog at bluegrasscanucks.blogspot.com Thanks for checking in and if you happened to stumble here, well don't expect a constant update pattern. We don't gots those. Blessings, Alex.
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