
Monday, June 28, 2004

Hey yo what's the deeleeoh?

Well, I'm a ryhmin' an' a rappin' and I gots no time for naapin' and if you think that I'm bein' seer.....ee....us, ya can just go ahead and catch.....a.....bus. YES!! I am awsome. Anyways, I like my wife and I think she's a w e s o m e. (Man the cheese must be Limburger....in close proximity!) So, summer's good and I'm working in a heavy machinary mechanics shop. It's fun and educational. My Priorities include Gabrielle, Bible reading, Music, Family, the idea of skateboarding and my personal health. WHEEEEE..... isn't this the best writing I'm capable of? Yes.....yes I say sir a thingk it iss. (anounced with toothless grin) Hey if ya'll thingks am krazy, Ya'll better know your own nameses farst. Kay done. If you enjoyed, Good for you. If you did not enjoy, Good for you. I hope everyone a happy day and many more wild flowers along the way. Bye.

A......"DROP THAT CHIN"......LEX
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so, hear we go again. i'm back blogging, my only inspiration to blog is that alex's brother caleb threatened to stop checking our site if we didn't blog soon. so, don't expect much from this post, it was forced. it has been awhile since i have posted, we are no longer in a snow storm. although plenty of time has past, not much has changed in our lives, except for one thing. i have fallen in love, i now live my day in excitment and anticipation for the next morning. i have become completly addicted to aerobics. i do them as often as i can (drawing the line at once a day). my favorites are the old jane fonda tapes and stacey benson. so, far i have not enjoyed any aerobic tape made after 1992. i hate pilates and yoga and i think i'm gonna hate tae-bo also. today i bought buns of steel.
my whole life i have done everything to avoid breaking a sweat. i never decided to become an aerobics fanatic, but one day i started and now i can't stop.
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